How to add Monokai dark highlighting theme to IDLE Python Shell

How to add Monokai dark highlighting theme to IDLE Python Shell

Want to make your IDLE Python Shell look like Sublime Text's default theme (Monokai)? Here's how:

First find your .idlerc folder. On Windows, you can get there by going to %userprofile%\.idlerc

Next copy the following config into a new text file in the .idlerc directory with the filename config-highlight.cfg:

# Place this  file inside your ~/.idlerc/ folder
# or paste its contents inside 
# /path/to/python/idlelib/config-highlight.def
# Adapted from SublimeText's Monokai

normal-foreground= #F8F8F2
normal-background= #272822
keyword-foreground= #F92672
keyword-background= #272822
builtin-foreground= #66D9EF
builtin-background= #272822
comment-foreground= #75715E
comment-background= #272822
string-foreground= #FD971F
string-background= #272822
definition-foreground= #A6E22E
definition-background= #272822
hilite-foreground= #F8F8F2
hilite-background= gray
break-foreground= black
break-background= #ffff55
hit-foreground= #F8F8F2
hit-background= #171812
error-foreground= #ff3338
error-background= #272822
cursor-foreground= #F8F8F2
stdout-foreground= #DDDDDD
stdout-background= #272822
stderr-foreground= #ff3338
stderr-background= #272822
console-foreground= #75715E
console-background= #272822

Now you just need to restart IDLE and go to Options -> Configure IDLE -> Highlights -> Highlighting Theme -> a Custom theme and choose monokai.

Credit to Jaime Rodríguez-Guerra for this custom theme.